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egg free, dairy free, chocolate cake, light, fluffy, mount nelson chocolate cake, dairy free cream topping, strawberries, chocolate As a mom of 2 small children, many of my friends are also mom’s of young children and a number of them have to watch out for certain ingredients as their children have food allergies.

This is one recipe that my friends ask me for most often since it is a cake that even the children that are allergic to egg and dairy can enjoy. It is also the cake I make most often when I am asked to make a cake for a childrens party because it isn’t nice for the kids who have allergies to feel left out when the birthday cake is cut and the children who don’t have allergies get to stuff their faces with it.

For the recipe, please go to http://food.rumtumtiggs.co.za/egg-and-dairy-free-chocolate-cake/